SMTP configuration

Today I have playing around with the SMTP on the SBS2K server. I was a little disappointed with the queueing that occurred last Friday. I was leaving town for a day and sent a quick message to tell someone I wouldn't be here. When I returned on Saturday the message was still queued. Now that's not much help. It has taken me some time to decipher what the configuration settings actually do but to suffice to say everything is queued. The default setting is send mail every two hours. I spent a lot of time looking at DNS MX records before I decided that it was not part of my answer. Most of the writers assume you have a static IP address and the problem is that other mail systems cannot find your mail server. My final idea is to change the SMTP virtual server configuration from “forward” to “use DNS” and see what happens. I used the synchronize button to force it to run at a non-scheduled time. Everything worked. Now I am researching the best way to force a return address of rather than Its mainly cosmetic but I think it will be easier to segregate my mail. I still have the Healthmon bugs on my to do list.