Windows 2000 and Fedora dual boot

I finally finished rebuilding my son's computer. We agreed to bid farewell to W98SE and upgrade the operating system to W2K. The computer I had been using W2K on finally bit the dust. The only software he wanted installed on W2K was the Age of Conquerors software. I re-wrote the data on the partitions using KillDisk from Then I deleted the partitions when I installed W2K. While I was working on the computer I switched out the video card and added some more memory. It took me a long time to update the software since I had to download W2KSP4, IE6.1, and Windows Media 9b. After I finished installing the software I installed the Fedora distribution of Linux. The X-server crashed the first time I tried it. The second time it worked but it had a funny mixed screen for about five seconds during the boot and did not like the VNC program on the third install disk. It looks like there are still some bugs in the installation process. Otherwise the desktop and openoffice look really nice. I will play with it some on Tuesday. My schedule for Monday is full.