Shutting down SFU services I am not using

I installed Services for Unix a little while ago and things have been somewhat okay. My server locked up once or twice but I blamed those shutdowns on myself even though I could not see that I did anything wrong. Today I tried to scan a document into CorelDraw that I have on my server. I use CorelDraw infrequently and this has worked for me in the past on W2K and now on W2K3. Today the server locked up. I rebooted and tried again. It locked up. Now I am pissed off! After some research and a few more reboots I finally located the culprit, nissvc, or otherwise known as Server for NIS. Task Manager showed it was consuming 30% to 100% of the cpu. I tried changing the settings back to the default settings but I could not seem to get rid of the problem. So I shut it down. Actually I shut down Server for NIS, Server for NFS, and the rest of servers in Services for Unix console. I don't use any of them except sftp and it is not listed.


Mailing tax returns in the internet age

I am a strong believer in the efficiency and accuracy of completing your tax return using a computer program. I think I have been using tax programs for nearly a decade. So you may wonder why I am mailing in my federal and state tax returns. The answer is the price to submit electronic returns and the fact that I owe money. This year Taxcut eliminated their “free” submittal. In its place they wanted nearly $30 for something I could do for less than a dollar. Even though I am getting money back I am not in that much of a hurry. I cannot believe that I am the only person who noticed the stealth price increase. Since it is in the best interest of the IRS to lower the barriers to electronic submitting more tax returns I am amused by their silence.

Tax Returns not quite done

I reviewed the returns today and made some minor revisions. I had it wrong yesterday. I am filing:

  1. Two federal returns
  2. Three state returns
  3. Three 1065 returns
  4. One school district return.

I will get them signed this evening and in the mail tommorrow.

Msnbc webparts

I added two MSNBC webparts, weather & news, to the intranet site. We were running out of water in our cistern and rain has been forecast for the last couple of days. I typically check the weather at least once a day so this will save me some clicks. While I was at it I added the news webpart and a page viewer webpart for the Google search. My first choice for the Google search was the form webpart but I couldn't get it to work.

beliefnet: Intelligent Design Isn't 'Stealth Creationism' By William Dembski

Intelligent design, on the other hand, is committed to the following propositions:

ID1: Specified complexity and irreducible complexity are reliable indicators or hallmarks of design.
ID2: Biological systems exhibit specified complexity and employ irreducibly complex subsystems.
ID3: Naturalistic mechanisms or undirected causes do not suffice to explain the origin of specified complexity or irreducible complexity.
ID4: Therefore, intelligent design constitutes the best explanation for the origin of specified complexity and irreducible complexity in biological systems.

Many of my thoughts on evolution and scientific creationism align with this theory. What I learned very early in my education was that the more I learned about things, the more I realized how much I didn't know. Each question I answered triggered five more questions I could not answer. I think Albert Einstein said it best,

My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

Here's the best birthday card I got…or at least the funniest! Oh, by the way, Cooper is a dog and Norman is a cat. I don't get any respect from furry animals!

My wife, my son, and I went to the Cincinnati Museuum last night to see their newest exhibit. I learned a lot about religious symbols, the history of Catholicism, and the construction of St. Peters church. For more info click on the logo below.