SSH for Power Users

SBS creates a group called Power Users. The default SBS installation puts all users into this group. I could not log in to ssh with a normal userid but I could log in with the Administrator userid. I finally found that power users were denied “local log in” in the default Domain controllers policy.

Samba & W2K3 Problem

I did not have this problem with Samba when I was running W2K but evidently I cannot use Samba's version of SMB with Windows 2003 server. I get the following message:

cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it.
26595: protocol negotiation failed
SMB connection failed

Evidently Andrew feels this is a problem with SMBFS,,  and we should move to CIFS. The bad news is that CIFS is supported in the 2.4 kernel via a patch. The 2.6 kernel supports CIFS. I guess I will put this project off until Fedora Core 2 is released. I have other options if this becomes an issue.

NIS and Samba

Today I spent a lot of time playing with NIS and Samba. I am trying to finalize my connectivity between Fedora and W2K3. I have Unix Services installed on the Windows Server and it offers NIS. After playing with it and learning a lot more about it, I have decided not to use it. The key is Samba and Kerberos. If I get Samba and Kerberos correctly configured, then NIS would be redundant. The best resource I have found is but I do not have it working yet. The login and mount is not working even though I have joined the computer to the domain and modified the login pam. I am still researching the problem(s).

Happy 50th Birthday!

I have never been comfortable celebrating my birthday. So here I am celebrating my 50th birthday. I try to ignore my birthdays for reasons I don't fully understand. Today I did something a little different. I made myself a birthday cake. I made an angel food cake with a nice frosting. We did not light any candles. It was nice.