Althouse: "We think the ad’s authors were right to give voice to the students quoted, whose suffering is real."

“The disaster is the atmosphere….”

Source: Althouse: “We think the ad’s authors were right to give voice to the students quoted, whose suffering is real.”

It is amazing that the professors have not embraced a bit more humility as the events have unfolded. The original letter written by the professors was an emotional outburst that showed little of the leadership or wisdom we would like to believe is prevalent in our college professors. A quick background check on the stripper would have confirmed that she is not the next Rosa Parks. Sadly she is a woman of questionable character. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King had great character and integrity. It was their character that continuously guided the civil rights movement to the higher ground. I am surprised that this higher ground so eagerly sought by the civil rights movement was so carelessly forgotten by these professors. In an effort to be sensitive to one side, they beat all of the Duke students over the head with the “racist” bat and are unrepentant about their actions. The professors’ actions inflamed public opinion, was demeaning to the students, embarrassed the alumni, and was catastrophic to those students involved in this incident. If these professors had taken a few minutes to think about their actions, they probably would have noticed the risks they faced if the stripper’s accusations did not survive careful scrutiny. A little humility and patience would have helped the professors avoid looking so childish. I find it ironic that the professors’ misguided actions continue to be the real “Social Disaster”. They just don’t get it!