Barack Obama responds to the State of the Union address.
Is this the person you want to be listening to a year from now?
Ann Althouse
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:16:00 GMT
Maybe it is just me but now that I have heard Obama speak, I am becoming more convinced that he will not be able to govern if elected. It is bad enough that he is relatively less experienced than the other candidates but now he sounds like a person that will have difficulty reaching out to the republican and independent side. If that is not tough enough, getting his own party to unify behind him is beginning to look like an insurmountable task. His speech sounded divisive and his recent spat with the Clinton’s does not give the American people much hope for this candidate of “change”. My gut feeling is that he will make the situation worse rather than better. There have been some moments a few months ago when he sounded “presidential”. Now he sounds like just another self-centered politician appealing to his party’s faithful. If Congress is going to continue to have a Democratic majority, Obama is making it easy for the independent voters to vote for a republican presidential candidate.