Wordclouds For The First Presidential Debate

I was inspired by the post, Analyzing the first Presidential Debate, to take a stab at creating some word clouds of the first presidential debate. Using the same transcript from the Washington Post and I broke it into three documents, clinton.txt, holt.txt, and trump.txt. After cleaning up the data for text mining I came up with these word clouds. The interesting tidbits that I see in the word clouds are:

  • The dominant words were “think” and “people”.
  • The word, “economy”, did not appear in any cloud and the word, “jobs”, just barely made the overall list.
  • The only issue word for Ms. Clinton was “donald”.
  • “Country” was a bigger issue word for Mr. Trump than “clinton”.


Clinton, Holt, and Trump

Clinton, Holt, and Trump Combined Word Cloud


Clinton Word Cloud

Clinton Word Cloud


Trump Word Cloud

Trump Word Cloud


Holt Word Cloud

Holt Word Cloud