At the beginning of the week, once again DOJ prosecutors demonstrated how petty and vindictive they can be when they recommended that Roger Stone get a prison sentence between 7 and 9 years for obstructing Congress’s Russia investigation. Today the Justice Department announced they would not seek to file criminal charges against McCabe over misleading federal investigators in connection with a 2016 press leak. The gracious treatment McCabe received is in stark contrast with the treatment Roger Stone got earlier in the week. They both mislead federal investigators. The irony is that if Andrew McCabe had done his job in 2016 the Russia Investigation would have quietly died behind closed doors and Roger Stone would not be jail. Instead Roger Stone is looking at 7 to 9 years in prison primarily because the Justice Department lawyers created a crime for obstructing an investigation that should not have existed. It is a bad look and Attorney General Barr should have known better.