[Mishoo] PieNG — PNG support in MSIE/Win

I have known about the png format for a long time but I really did not have a reason to use it. I still see more problems with the size of graphics files. GIF and JPG work just fine for me. Since I like Mishoo's work, I read his article and learned about opacity and IE's lack of standard support for png. I still don't have anything I want to do with png but translucent objects are a nice feature you need png for. For more info check out the ALA article, Cross-Browser Variable Opacity with PNG: A Real Solution.

811839 – An I/O Device Error May Occur When You Access the Floppy Disk Drive in Windows XP Service Pack 1


You may experience intermittent problems when you try to access the floppy disk drive on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1). For example, when you try to copy files to a floppy disk by using Windows Explorer, you may receive the following error message:

The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.


This problem may occur when Windows dynamically changes the computer processor power state to a deeper idle state (from the C2 state to the C3 state).

Yesterday I went back and tried to fix my floppy drive problem. This has been going on for  a long time and is annoying because I cannot create usable bootdisks. The first thing I did was replace the floppy drive. With a brand new drive I got errors and unusual chkdsk sounds when creating a bootdisk for ghost. I fixed the bootdisk by going to a Win98 machine and copying over good copies. I checked the md5 for ghostpe and it was different on the floppy although it had the correct filesize. Last night I updated the bios to make sure the cmos was not the source of the problem. Today I found this KB. It sounds very much like the problem I have been experiencing but I am real reluctant to edit the registry to fix this problem.

About LIDS


  • A kernel patch and admin tool to enhance the linux kernel security
  • Implementation of reference monitor in kernel
  • Mandatory Access Control in the kernel
  • An active project with many helpful hackers.

I ended up researching security on Linux and I ended up here. I also looked at SELinux(NSA) and Owl(Openwall). Since I have a somewhat old copy of Redhat 7.2 I have been planning on installing, LIDS sounds the most interesting from a server fixup standpoint. Now if I can ever get started with the Linux install!

Robertson Davies. “The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealised past.” [Quotes of the Day]

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

George Santayana

Somewhere between these two thoughts lies the wisdom to make a difference in our lives today.

Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic

Portrait courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution.
Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction.

Thomas Jefferson

Portrait of Thomas Jefferson courtesy of the White House.


Allowing Outbound PING and PPTP Connections.

I have been trying to debug an error I noticed in the eventlog for Radio, “Can't read stream because TCP/IP error code 10060 – Connection timed out.” I thought I would use Ping and Tracert but they both timed out. The problem was that IP Routing was not enabled on the firewall.

Radio Category not rendering

I have spent way too much time over the last two days trying to change the theme templates on two categories. I ended up changing two categories since I think I have a more severe problem with one category. It hasn't updated since 8 October. I found some nice resources that imply that this should all work but I haven't quite figured out when things get updated.

Along the way I figured out how to add and modify my blogroll. Some of the stuff is cool. Some of the stuff took way too much work!