I just finished reading the Not Cool book by Greg Gutfeld last night. We had purchased the book at the book signing and I read most of the book during a long car trip to Georgia. I actually liked the book but had problems finding time to finish it. The theme of the book is a reminder how we sacrifice our freedom and individuality in order to look cool by certain social groups. If you find Greg entertaining on The Five, you will probably like this book, too.
Book Reviews
Justice Clarence Thomas upon learning that the Senate’s most powerful member said he is Caucasian
Justice Thomas is my favorite Supreme Court justice. I like all of the justices but my appreciation for him started after listening to his autobiography, My Grandfather’s Son: A Memoir, several years ago. I checked out the audiobook from the local library for a long car ride to Virginia Tech. I enjoyed the book and over the years my appreciation increased as I read and agreed with his opinions on several court decisions.
Sometimes I wonder whether Vice President Joe Biden or Senator Harry Reid are in a friendly competition for the biggest gaffes. I think Harry just pulled ahead. Time to step it up, Joe!
A day after vowing to “do something” about the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) reiterated Democrats’ desire to undermine the high court’s decision by attacking the “five white men” who voted in favor of the Christian, family-owned business.
There’s just one glaring problem with his statement .. .
Greg Gutfeld’s #NOTCOOL Tour
Greg was in Cincinnati promoting his new book, Not Cool: The Hipster Elite and Their War on You
. He is perhaps best known as the host of the Fox News Channel program "Red Eye" With Greg Gutfeld. Airing at 3 a.m. ET Tuesday through Saturday, that is way beyond our bed time. My wife and I know him primarily as one of the cohosts of The Five, a weekday program at 5 p.m. ET. Although I appreciate the opinions of everyone on "The Five", my ears perk up when he speaks. Like P. J. O’Rourke he always has interesting twist on the subject.
Saturday was a great day to be in Cincinnati. It was sunny and dry with temperatures in the 50s. Although it is not shorts weather for me, I saw some young men playing basketball in their shorts on a court near the freeway. The bookstore sponsoring the book signing, The Booksellers, was packed. Fountain Square and the sidewalks around the store were packed. It seems everyone wanted to get outside after a long winter. We had a great time and Greg was both witty and gracious.