CSS improvements!

I continue to try and fix the CSS for this template. The info from Zeldman's book gave me some nice ideas for cleaning up some existing problems. One point he made about defining a image as display:block sounded neat but did not work for me. It screwed up my footer and did not help me. In the end I cleaned up font sizes and line heights. Much ado about nothing but still progress!

Reclaim the public domain. With a click of your mouse, you can help persuade the U.S. Congress to undo some of the damage caused by the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act.[Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report]

If you follow the link you can vote on a petition to reclaim some of the public domain. I am continually amazed and disappointed with how copyright and patents have morphed into an entitlement for corporations and have almost eliminated the concept of public domain. The original intent to benefit the creative person has long been superceded by the need to benefit the corporation in perpetuity.


I have been doing some more playing with Jedit. Jedit is the open source editor available at sourceforge. With so many free or almost free editors available you might wonder why I am I playing with another editor. I think I started out looking at the HTML Tidy plug-in. Then I added the XML/XLST support and Visual Diff. It is not as good for my work as Topstyle but it is not that far off. The most recent plugin I downloaded is CSS2 support. It is color codes the correct entries (or incorrect entries in my case). It's pretty handy.