The Captain’s Journal » The Warrior as Vocation

The Captain’s Journal » The Warrior as Vocation

As opposed to empty-headed ideas of warrior as a job, those who fight have been called by God to war in our stead. It is not a job; it is a vocation. Totally aside from irrelevant issues about how much education our servicemen and women have, it is God who has put in them the desire to be warriors, it is God who sustains them, it is God who has given them their victories. It is God who has called them to this vocation.

I believe that servicemen and women are called into service when fate collides with reality. For military folks this is not just a job, it is a passion. Friends are going to die. You have to believe in your heart that you are doing the right thing or you should should go home and flip hamburgers. The option to go home is available but few take it. You call it a job. I call them heroes even though it hurts me. My son wants to be like them. He feels the call and I doubt he can explain why. It is tough being a parent to a teenage son when there is war going on.