Yesterday Amazon announced that it may be raising the price on Amazon Prime by $40. That got me to thinking. Was the Amazon Prime subscription a good deal for me? Since I track my expenses in Quicken I ran a report on my payments to Amazon. Next I imported the report into Quicken to do some quick calculations. I found that I had 5 transactions that were less than $35 and greater than $10. Transactions greater than $35 are generally free shipping and last year I bought my niece a bunch of books for school. They cost less than $10 and did not qualify for Amazon Prime. Then I remembered that two of the remaining 5 transactions did not qualify for Amazon Prime. Wow, I was very good to Amazon last year! I did not break even on the shipping, I barely used the video streaming, and I did not use the Kindle lending. My calculations tell me to cancel my subscription. I did.