Landmark ruling on gay marriage. Massachusetts high court rules that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. [Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories]

I guess I am picky but I wish they would say, “homosexual civil union”. I am disappointed that I have lost the use of the word “gay”. Since the word was co-opted to describe homosexuality its other definitions have been lost to everyone except comedians. If we are not careful we will sacrifice the word “marriage” and our traditional understanding of it so the judicial system can be politically correct. Marriage is tough enough in this society without the assault on it by the courts. I guess this attack was inevitable. The moral structure of our legal system has been under attack for sometime. Gradually the judicial system has strayed from its roots, re-invented itself, and has become morally bankrupt. From my viewpoint the judicial system has adopted the Atheist agenda because it is more politically correct, alienates everyone equally, and is the easy way out. The judges who are “leaning on your own understanding” and playing God are showing a lack of character that is quite disturbing. I am afraid that although they maybe “legally correct”, his or her negligence is condemning the rest of us to a path of justice for no one.

Today our pastor challenged us to explain to the person seated next to you how God has made a difference in our lives. I told my wife that I had received great comfort from God in dealing with the animosity between my wife, her sister, and her mother. This was a stretch for me since it is volatile subject. She laughed. We are celebrating my sister-in-laws birthday today and my wife has already tried to figure out how to weasel her way out of it. Feeling a little gutsy I told her I was sure that it was not God's plan that the three of them should continue hating each other. The animosity between the women is a very difficult subject to discuss because it quickly becomes emotional and negative. It is kind of like taking a stroll through a minefield. I don't want to push my wife too much because I am afraid it will blow up in my face. Unfortunately the problems my wife has with her mother and sister are very similar to the problems we have with each other but much more serious. Each woman shares a self centered, perfectionist personality that desires to be in control. Since all three women fail to meet their expectations for each other, they end up blaming each other for the failures, and become withdrawn. For a man being remade by Christ it is difficult to watch. As I try to become more outward focused, they have become judgemental and withdrawn. They are doing everything the Bible has told me to avoid. I cannot sympathize with their problems. Although I despise their problems, I do love all three women. They can be wonderful. I just wish they would pay more attention to God's plan for their lives rather than their own plans. Please, God, grant me more patience and wisdom to deal with their pettiness. Please, God, help them forgive each others sins in the past, present, and future. Let them start over with a clean slate. Please, God, open their hearts to each other and help let those women live the lives that You planned for them. God, do something soon!

Alabama Justice Goes on Trial Over Ten Commandments. Alabama's chief justice could be ousted for refusing to remove a monument from the State Supreme Court. By Jeffrey Gettleman. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

I know they are not going to take my advice but they should slap his wrist and move on. The judicial system is in a lose-lose position. If they press the issue they will make Judge Moore a martyr and a more powerful advocate for a more sweeping change in the judicial system. I am not real excited reform.

Area 56 All Day Event

The 5th and 6th grade ministry had there all day event today. We had about 70 students show up and 40 leaders. A little bit of outreach, a little bit of games and projects, and a lot of fun and worship. Its a long day but worth it.

Justices Take Case on Pledge of Allegiance's 'God' Reference

Justices Take Case on Pledge of Allegiance's 'God' Reference. The Supreme Court's ruling will settle whether the phrase “one nation under God” will remain as it is recited in most classrooms. By The Associated Press. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

This is a move that will probably due more harm than good. If they move to strike the word “God” they will antagonize many people with a perceived overbearing reach.They may use this case to head off future cases by setting church/state guidelines but I doubt they will go that far. I think it is more likely they will piss off everybody except the lawyers.

Faith Fades Where It Once Burned Strong. In much of Europe the ties of Christianity no longer bind the way they once did and often seem not to bind at all. By Frank Bruni. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

This is an old but true story. It is especially poetic for me since I met a couple of new people from Munich yesterday at our church. They had arrived as part of the Sister Cities of Cincinnati intern program and the host family had brought them to the Vineyard Church. In early August we brought Nina to the Vineyard. If their lives are similar to Nina and probably most of the people in Europe can say that according to the article, they had not been to a church service like this before. I am sure that this host family brought them to this church because they thought it would be fun and relevant  to our lives. Someday they may may start asking themselves why church is not fun and relevant to the people in Europe and what do they need to do to change it.

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

The book is well written and probably very effective on many people who are “plan your work, work your plan” people. Don't get me wrong I like the book and the importance he put on the five purposes of life:

  • Worship – you were planned for God's pleasure.
  • Fellowship – you were formed to be part of God's family.
  • Discipleship – you were created to become like Christ.
  • Ministry – you were shaped for God's service.
  • Mission – you were made to tell other's about Christ.

What I do know about myself is that I feel I have been most successful as an oblique learner. At an early age I realized that I frequently cannot get to my more difficult goals from the most direct route. When I got stuck with a difficult problem in school, I realized a successful strategy for me was to back off.  I would work on something else or work in a different direction realizing that in the end I would have to work even harder to make up for lost time. I remember in college I was working on a programming problem for several hours and seemed to be getting no where. So I called it a night and headed back to the dorm. As I crossed the drill field I started to reschedule my next day's activities to allow time to work on this problem again when I realized the solution to my problem. Naturally I turned around and went back to finish the problem. My gut tells me that the growth in my faith has occured primarily in activities I did not consider as on my direct route to Christ. God's plan has frequently not been my plan. It sure helps to be flexible if you are not perfect.

Defending the Godless Among Us. They're called atheists, secularists and philosophical naturalists. Or you could just call them 'bright.' A commentary by Richard Dawkins from Wired magazine. [Wired News]

An attempt to create a new more colorful word to describe atheists, secularists, and philosophical naturalists in a comical attempt to mimic the success of the word “gay” when used to describe homosexuality. He points out that the social stigma of homosexuality has been reduced tremendously in the last twenty years and believes a part of that success is due to the deliberate association of a positive sounding word like gay to homosexuality. He tries to make the argument that America is more prejudiced against “brights” than other minority groups. I am sure that there are members of these minority groups who are more than willing to explain to him the “finer” points of prejudice.