Today was an outdoor day. The weather was beautiful. Some of the maples have started to sprout. Spring is just around the corner.

Cleaning up Healthmon Pt. 2

Well, the network card is still giving me WMI errors. I now have a shortcut on my desktop so I can check all of the performance objects. Tcpip seems to forget I want to collect performance data. I found a Q that said the Tcpip performance collection is turned off. I made sure it was turned on and rebooted. I think I did all of this yesterday but I forget.

To clean up forgetfullness by the SBS Administrator Console I went into Author mode to configure the Server Status view. It seems to remember the counters I changed now.

  • Added Page Faults, Uptime, and Queue Length.
  • Removed old disk drive volumes

Cleaning up Healthmon

  1. I cleaned up a WMI error on the network card by installing an updated driver.
  2. I cleaned up an Exchange alert by starting the Exchange Event Service
  3. I cleaned up the Max URLs alert by increasing the threshold.

It is interesting to note that after I rebooted the exchange virtual directories went back to their original configuration(lowercase path). This causes a red stop sign to appear but does not give you http 502 error when you try to expand it.

Healthmon is healthy again.

I know I talked earlier about fixing IISLockdn but I ended up fixing the Perflib problem that stopped Healthmon from being of any use. During SBS installation the performance counters had gotten screwed up and I could not monitor cpu utilization, memory paging, etc. Those performance objects gave me WMI errors?! The rest of the counters were working fine but I really wanted to monitor cpu utilization and paging. My first tries at fixing this were a failure and my searches of M$ Knowlegebase were fruitless. The best I could find was a Q that recommended rebuilding the perflib counters.  So I turned off alerting in Healthon and went on to more pressing problems. When I started the IISLockdn analysis today, I remembered I had this outstanding problem with Healthmon/perflib. Since I was in a very technical mood I decided to a quick search of the M$ Knowlegebase. A couple of searches later I started to focus on a utility in the W2K resource kit that may be of some use, exctrlst.exe. It displays registry settings for performance objects and allows you to modify them. It was worth at least a try. My initial searches did not find a copy online that I could download. Then I found the entire W2K resource kit online. The utility doesn't show up in a normal search but its there. I downloaded the utility and to my surprise, performance monitoring was turned off on all of the objects that were giving me WMI errors. I turned on performance monitoring on my problem performance objects and rebooted the server. Now I have all of the performance objects available for Healthmon reporting. This was not part of my original plan but I am very happy to Healthmon doing its job correctly.

IISLockdn cleanup

Yesterday I installed Windows XP and Office 2003 Beta 2 on my son's computer. He actually needed Word since he left his laptop at his friends house and we are trying to send out birthday invitations. It locked up on him and he lost the first version. Oh, well!

Maybe I'll have time to play with IISLockdn version 2.1 today. The intranet website was stopped again so I uninstalled IM server. I think these problems all started when I tried to install Software Update Services and it ran IISLockdn. I will probably chase down a http error 502 out of the exchange system manager before proceeding. I fixed some path errors(case sensitive?) that gave me little red icons stop sign icons for some of the exchange directories.

Iraq News Hound?!

Debka expects the surrender of two Iraqi divisions. “They are the forces charged with defending the oil fields of region and represent two-thirds of the Iraqi army in the south.” [Scripting News]

It is interesting to see this news/rumor reported by Debka and not confirmed by the rest of the media. Hmm..

Time to go to bed

The war has started and it is in God's hands.  Andi is out of town and a baby horse may be born in the next couple of days. Despite everyone's interest in the “war”, I will try and stay focused on my problems. The mare is late but she is not dripping milk so I should be safe sleeping through the night.