rss2rdf Transformation

I was playing with RSSOwl recently and saw what I thought were some problems in my rss feed for legacy farm. I cleaned up the date errors. Since the feed looked ugly in RSSOwl, I started to wonder about what the feed would look like if it was transformed into RSS 1.0. I eventually ended up at I took the rss2rdf.xsl (courtesy of Sjoerd Visscher) and ran it on my feed. Using XSLT to transform the feed is pretty cool! I validated the new feed on the Redland RSS 1.0 Validator. It had a couple of errors: title, link, and dates. The validator complained about the missing required fields: title and link. The title field was there but it used the Dublin core. My date fields had a different format and were being extracted incorrectly. I modified the xsl file and I now have a valid and correct RSS V1.0(i.e. RDF) feed. It still doesn't look good in RSSOwl but it is less ugly. Oh well! You can see the final product at

Iwas trying to pay bills today and got  a little distracted today with my T-Mobile bill. When I called T-Mobile to complain about roaming charges appearing on my bill, the representitive said that I did not have nationwide roaming. I knew I had signed up for it and had not been charged for roaming until recently. So I pulled out all of my T-Mobile bills and spread them accross the dining room table. My wife could see I was not happy so she did not bug me about the mess I had just created. After a little hunting I figured out the month they started charging me for roaming. When I called them back and pointed out the problem month, they apologized. They accidentally removed nationwide roaming when they added international roaming on my wife's phone. Oh well!

WinPT & GnuPG

I re-installed WinPT & GnuPG today. I got a bunch of M$ security announcements today. I know M$ has problems but this was quite a bunch so I decided to spot check the validity. I had uninstalled WinPT & GnuPG awhile back since I needed to upgrade. The new versions are not much different than the previous versions. I had one bug that took me a little time to recognize. Outlook 2002 suppresses blank lines. If you copy the text of the security announcement to the clipboard with the suppressed lines it won't verify. Stop suppressing blank lines and the text copied to the clipboard will verify.