Logo on the gogo. A free online library of over 5,000 corporate logos in Adobe Illustrator format may be just the thing if your corporate client sends you a small, crummy GIF image when you repeatedly request original vector artwork. The large archive is organized alphabetically and includes a fast Search function. You may preview any logo before downloading. [Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report]

I checked it out. Its a Russian site but it looks like some folks just trying to get everyone using better quality logos.


I found an interesting item for Internet Explorer. Netscape has a wonderful plugin called Checky. I really should use Netscape more often. The closest IE comes is favlets. Some work… some don't… mileage varies. When it works you click on favorite item and it runs a javascript that validates your current page. I want my web pages to work so this makes it easy for me to test. It avoids a little key entry. The key issue is reading the errors and warnings the validator generates and clean them up.

My wife finally heard from the hospital. The biopsy did not find any cancer. Well, that's good news! We weren't expecting them to find any but it is hard to be confident when a person's life is involved. Breast cancer is easier to beat when you catch it early enough to treat.

Adobe 6.0 Reader

I don't know why but I am having problems installing the reader on w2k machines. It caused one machine to reboot. I finally got it installed on the server but I had to repair the installation almost immediately. ?!

Center for Internet Security Benchmark for SBS2K

I am not quite sure how I started this mini-project but I think it came out of a newsletter I read. It talked about CIS benchmarks. I had downloaded the software previously but never implemented any of the changes. Today I installed the software and started changing the group policy to raise my “score”. So far I have:

  1. Run winupdate to get the server current.
  2. Implemented group policy changes to Auditing and Accounting Policies.
  3. Implemented group policy changes to Security Settings.
  4. Fixed the problem with SQL Server caused by renaming the Administrator Account. I had to change the userid it uses to logon.
  5. Re-installed the modem. I don't know why but it disappeared.
  6. Implemented the three patches not convered by Winupdate. I used HFNetChkLT to find and deploy the patches.

This raised my score from 4.0 to 7.25. I can probably run the score up to 10 without breaking anything more. At least that's my hope.

My wife went into the hospital today for some minor surgery. The mamogram showed a fuzzy so they decided to take a needle biopsy to make sure it was not cancerous. Since she was going in she got them to clean out a cyst in her abdomen. It probably grew from some tissue leftover from her c-section twelve years ago. It was causing her a lot of pain during menstruation. On Tuesday morning she was nervous and woke us up early. We were at the hospital at 645 am for 745 appointment. Her surgery got delayed during the day so her mom brought her home at about 8 pm. She spent most of Tuesday night/Wednesday morning trying to pee. I am a light sleeper so it was easy for me to keep track of her progress. It is funny for me to remember how relieved I was to hear her tinkle.

"Do Not Forget" by Ed Evans

I sat in a movie theater watching “Schindler's List,” asked myself, “Why didn't the Jews fight back?”

Now I know why.


I sat in a movie theater, watching “Pearl Harbor” and asked myself, “Why weren't we prepared?”


Now I know why.


Civilized people cannot fathom, much less predict, the actions of evil people.


On September 11, dozens of capable airplane passengers allowed themselves to be overpowered by a handful of poorly armed terrorists because they did not comprehend the depth of hatred that motivated their captors.


On September 11, thousands of innocent people were murdered because too many Americans naively reject the reality that some nations are dedicated to the dominance of others. Many political pundits, pacifists and media personnel want us to forget the carnage. They say we must focus on the bravery of the rescuers and ignore the cowardice of the killers. They implore us to understand the motivation of the perpetrators. Major television stations have announced they will assist the healing process by not replaying devastating footage of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers.


I will not be manipulated.

I will not pretend to understand.

I will not forget.


I will not forget the liberal media who abused freedom of the press to kick our country when it was vulnerable and hurting.


I will not forget that CBS anchor Dan Rather preceded President Bush's address to the nation with the snide remark, “No matter how you feel about him, he is still our president.”


I will not forget that ABC TV anchor Peter Jennings questioned President Bush's motives for not returning immediately to Washington, DC and commented, “We're all pretty skeptical and cynical about Washington.”


And I will not forget that ABC's Mark Halperin warned if reporters weren't informed of every little detail of this war, they aren't “likely — nor should they be expected — to show deference.”


I will not isolate myself from my fellow Americans by pretending an attack on the USS Cole in Yemen was not an attack on the United States of America.


I will not forget the Clinton administration equipped Islamic terrorists and their supporters with the world's most sophisticated telecommunications equipment and encryption technology, thereby compromising America's ability to trace terrorist radio, cell phone, land lines, faxes and modem communications.


I will not be appeased with pointless, quick retaliatory strikes like those perfected by the previous administration.


I will not be comforted by “feel-good, do nothing” regulations like the silly “Have your bags been under your control?” question at the airport.


I will not be influenced by so called, “antiwar demonstrators” who exploit the right of expression to chant anti-American obscenities.


I will not forget the moral victory handed the North Vietnamese by American war protesters who reviled and spat upon the returning soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines.


I will not be softened by the wishful thinking of pacifists who chose reassurance over reality.


I will embrace the wise words of Prime Minister Tony Blair who told Labor Party conference, “They have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it? There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror. Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must!”


I will force myself to:

– hear the weeping

– feel the helplessness

– imagine the terror

– sense the panic

– smell the burning flesh

– experience the loss

– remember the hatred.


I sat in a movie theater, watching “Private Ryan” and asked myself, “Where did they find the courage?”


Now I know.


We have no choice. Living without liberty is not living.


— Ed Evans, MGySgt., USMC (Ret.)

Not as lean, Not as mean, But still a Marine.

Keep this going until every living American has read it and memorized it so we don't make the same mistake again.


Original transcript from http://www.700wlw.com/lcl45.html


You can find more of  Ed Evan's writings at  Military People Say, Freedom – A Refresher Course by Ed Evans, MGySgt, USMC (Ret.) , A Marine Died

CSS improvements!

I continue to try and fix the CSS for this template. The info from Zeldman's book gave me some nice ideas for cleaning up some existing problems. One point he made about defining a image as display:block sounded neat but did not work for me. It screwed up my footer and did not help me. In the end I cleaned up font sizes and line heights. Much ado about nothing but still progress!